
1st prize at Patriot Fest

We are proud to announce that [Name or Company Name], has been awarded the first prize in the Patriot Fest in the Autonomous Vehicles section, a prestigious competition organized by the intelligence services of Romania. This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation of our team, who has developed a cutting-edge solution aimed at easing activities…

Parteneriat cu (UPT) Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara

E oficial! Suntem mandri sa anuntam oficializarea parteneriatului intre noi, StoolTechnologies si Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara. Înfiinţată în anul 1920, la scurt timp după unirea teritoriilor româneşti, într-un context european marcat de redefinirea statală şi tarele primului război mondial, Şcoala Politehnică din Timişoara – cum s-a numit la început – a constituit răspunsul pentru una din cerinţele formulate de societatea românească…

Preorder Barry

We are extremely happy to announce that we can take preorders: You can have your very own Barry to lift 70-80 kgs in the following conditions: Price for Barry – no module included – 75 000 euros +applicable tax This includes: professional remote control fully functional drone operating manual 5 days training in Romania (all expenses included except for transport)…

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